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Behind The Lens and Blogging: AfriZion

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  • 17 April 2013
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  •  Let me start with a simple shout out to all the fashion and beauty bloggers who put in long hours of researching, pitching, writing, shooting, editing, and essentially creating a visually impressive communication. Personally, I spend hours skipping through Bloglovin, being inspired by the similarities and differences the blogging community share. We are powerful, as one of the best parts of blogging is the networking and friends you make along the way.

    Her name is Ada. If you are a fashion blog junkie, like myself, you know her as Afrizion. Her blog is brilliant; her style alluring and her motivation, infectious. She is a self taught fashion photographer, blogger, and full out creative entrepreneur. Her newest initiative is Designers Platform, a fashion exhibition for up and coming designers, with her first line being Nakate.

    Ada brings a lot to the table, blogging alone isn’t easy. I am encouraged to pursue my side projects when I come across individuals such as her. Read a little into her photographic journey, Afrizion, and the upcoming launch of Designers Platform and then make your way to her blog, I’m sure you will want to bookmark it. How many can relate to turning a hobby into business?

    HH: You’re a fashion photographer and blogger. How did you come into your career? 
    AE:I started fashion photography back in 2008. I had a huge photoshop obsession and I felt the next best thing to do would be to get a camera. At first it started as a hobby and I pretty much shot everything and anything for the first few months before trying my hands at fashion photography. It consisted of a lot of trial and error. Then I gradually worked my way into it. I’ve been shooting fashion for 4 years now and I love it. Everyday is a learning experience. Blogging is something I started recently. My site, Afrizion, is geared more towards fashion from the designer’s perspective and my photography journey.

    HH: Favorite environment to shoot in?
    t depends on the shoot. Some days I love indoor shoots; some days I prefer outdoor shoots. But I will have to say I have had the best experiences shooting outdoors and on location. I have so much more options to work with.

    HH: What makes a great picture?
    A great picture is all about the story. A photograph should tell some sort of story and as a photographer I want to tell more stories with my photographs. Everything else is secondary.

    HH: When with your camera, do you find yourself being drawn to a certain subject type?
    I find myself more drawn to people. I will shoot inanimate objects, places etc, but people do it more for me. Faces, expressions, moods. 

     HH: Why is it important to capture memories through photographs?
    AE:In life we have fleeting moments, and there are just some moments you want to remember. Photographs can help you do that. You want to be able to go back and remember and photographs help you remember.

    HH: How long have you been blogging, and what have you learned along the way?
    I have been blogging for 8 months now and it definitely isn’t easy. Right now I’m doing pretty much everything and, I admit, it’s a challenge, but I love it. In between running the photography business with my partner Ehimanre Ebhomielen and running Afrizion, I have had good and bad days. However, blogging has improved my work ethic, it’s helped me appreciate what I do more and it keeps me busy with little projects for content. I’ve learned how important it is to be original and consistent with whatever it is you blog about.

    HH: Tell us about Designer's Platform.
    Designers Platform is a fashion exhibition launching this year for up and coming designers in the fashion industry. We hope to align ourselves with different brands so there’s a broader spectrum for our audience. It’s advantageous for designers because designer’s platform will expose designers to industry professionals, buyers, boutiques. It will also provide helpful resources for designers who want to grow their fashion business.

    We will also be introducing Designers platform at our collaborative event with Nakate Project on April 30th. More information is on

    HH: Where can we follow you and your blog?
    You can follow updates on twitter, facebook, tumblr and instagram. All same username which is @afrizion and of course the site You can see more of my photography work on

    All Pictures From AfriZon


    LohiO said...

    I love Afrizion! Their pictures are very refreshing and crisp! Love it!

    Odunayo said...

    Yay!!! I love Ada's work!

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