Kimonos are my favorite.
I learned how to make them, so I could have them in abundance. My collection has gotten quite extensive, and I am now searching for unique ones made by other hands. I made a personal promise to find kimonos in all the areas I travel and to support as many InD designers as possible when shopping for them.
While posting my morning IG pic, I saw a beautiful printed Kimono come into view on my feed. My eyes darted around the screen for the designer and next thing I knew I was on Peaces of Love's website. Magnificent handcrafted kimonos, for beautiful beings and kindred spirits. Just what I was looking for! I wanted to shout out Peaces of Love and send lots of love and light to the designer Javoni.
Queen to Queen, prosper in purpose.
Which one is your favorite?
While posting my morning IG pic, I saw a beautiful printed Kimono come into view on my feed. My eyes darted around the screen for the designer and next thing I knew I was on Peaces of Love's website. Magnificent handcrafted kimonos, for beautiful beings and kindred spirits. Just what I was looking for! I wanted to shout out Peaces of Love and send lots of love and light to the designer Javoni.
Queen to Queen, prosper in purpose.
Which one is your favorite?
I adore kimonos! My mom has this really beautiful one from Tokyo that I steal from her all the time, lol. My fave on her site is this Mia. Love the pastels in that one.
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