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Natural Beauty: Me Time

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  • 19 February 2014
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  • Sometimes, the days become a blurr.

    Weeks jam packed with work and passion sometimes begin to wear on you.  I am the type of individual that if I don't take care of myself, it shows. One example of this would be my hand eczema. As I mentioned before I am constantly searching for remedies to soothe my aching cracking hands. The deeper I look into the causes for my flareups the more I  change my eating and living habits.

    I have noticed a little relief in my hands since starring meditation and yoga regularly. At this point I try to incorporate the two practices into my routine at least three times a week. I would like to increase that as I progress. Maybe it was that I went to yoga last night, but today I am feeling relaxed and in a state of reflection. Me time is essential to entrepreneurs.

    For all of you working hard with no play, consider taking a few hours out of your week for you. A "you date" if you will. Here is a small list of ideas.

    Take a hot bath for at least 30 minutes- Include soothing tunes, wine and candles. Take a moment to celebrate yourself.

    Spend some time in nature- A thirty minute minimum should be used to sit and reflect, breathe, run , walk, pray or meditate. Nature has a way of calming the mind and spirit, indulge yourself.

    Teach yourself to do something you've never done before but are eager to learn- If teaching yourself isn't an option find a free or cheap class to take to get you started.

    Treat yourself to dinner- You can get dressed up and go out or Pinterest it up and stay in, just make sure you engage in a three course meal. Try a new restaurant or learn to make a new dish and don't forget the wine!

    These are just to get your started. Try to incorporate at least one me time activity into your week, every week. If you don't take care of you, who will. Entrepreneurs wear many hats in a day, you owe it to yourself and your business to take some mandatory Me Time.

    What are some of your favorite Me Time dates? I'd love to hear them.

    *Photo Credit: Google search*
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