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Meet the Editor

Posted on
  • 11 May 2013
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  • Unknown
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  • Here at Haute Hemisphere, "Editor-in-Chief" is a fancy way of saying I am a veteran story teller. Welcome to my blog where I am dedicated to exposing and supporting global creative minds with entrepreneurial motives. By day, I am a retail analyst. However, that is not enough to satisfy my fashion cravings, so I became a blogger. Each post tells a tale of real life passion, planning, and execution performed  by individuals just like you and me.  Inspiring is just the beginning. The stories told on Haute Hemisphere all have an underlying theme of purpose being put to use. Every editorial, painting, necklace, garment, or hairstyle is started by a vision.

    My vision is pieced together with each new post created, be it about international bloggers, designers, artists, culinary gurus, or MUA’s. I am on the constant hunt for visionaries in hopes of starting a global conversation about passion and how one turns the feeling into a personal venture. With a childhood filled with books, magazines and journaling, I have grown into my personal purpose of being the voice of the indie fashion and arts community. You will hear me refer to this as well as have a section dedicated to the idea of "INDIE NATION." This category reference is used to show support through purchasing clothing and art from independent minds as opposed to the mass market. As the voice of indie nation, I am constantly researching the world for new talent and exquisite fashions,  accessories,  and art.

    My passion surfaced during college while studying for my BS in Fashion Merchandising at UNC-Greensboro. I wasn’t learning enough and was tired of only learning about the major named designers and retailers. Since I was young and growing up in south Jersey,  fifteen  minutes outside of Philadelphia, I had been bombarded with dreams and visions of being a part of as well as supporting Indie Nation.  My  voice has been strengthened by writing for fashion blogs and online magazines since 2012 such as College Fashionista, Highbrid Magazine, Dialect Magazine and Ms. Mahogany Chic. Each experience taught me volumes about blogging and being a part of an independent brand. When I could no longer ignore the voice in my heart, I founded Haute Hemisphere.

    I hope Haute Hemisphere will become your resource for international indie inspiration at various levels. It is my mission to encourage the eyes reading this to dream, plan, and then execute. It is possible to prosper from your purpose and then let me tell your story. If you are  interested in being featured,  chat with me at .

    As readers of my blog, I consider each and every eye that reads this a friend. I encourage conversation within the blog as well as any extra feedback you may have. Let’s hold conversations about the arts and passion to pursue them. No one can grow from a sole prospective, so let’s build and network together! Want to work together? Need some freelance services? Or perhaps you have a brand or topic you would like to see featured, I welcome it all at Haute Hemisphere! Whether you stopped by on mistake or a mission, THANK YOU! I hope you saw something worth returning for.

    Follow me as I grow into my purpose . . . . along with many others across the world. Indie Nation never sleeps; instead, we create. 


    Anonymous said...

    And an amazing person, with an amazing vision and I love you...and I'm extremely proud of your site and know that it will only continue to expand!


    Unknown said...

    Thanks Mere :) Your words give me liffee !! <3

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